Mai Vu Coach


Awaken and Heal Your Life's Patterns and Pains

This course teaches you to recognize the deep embedded patterns that most of the time are invisible to you, because you have lived with it for so long. They are all recorded in your feet. The shape of your toes, the condition of your skin, the callousses, the bunions, the cracked toe nails, etc... everything are indications of your life's patterns, your thought patterns, and even your karmic spiritual experience.


Learn at your own pace

The course is designed to be self-paced, so you can take as much time as you need to fully absorb the material and apply it to your life.

Guides you can apply

You'll gain access to a vast library of resources that includes eight additional recordings to complement your learning experience. These resources will help you deepen your knowledge and understanding of NewU™.

Become a part of a very supportive community

You'll be able to connect with like-minded women who are also eager to accept their peasants and empower their princesses.

This community will provide you with a safe space to share your experiences, ask questions, and receive support and encouragement.


6 Pre-Recorded Classes and PDF Guides for Each Class ($2000 value)

BONUS: 8 Additional NewU™ Trainings ($2700 value)

BONUS: FREE 30-minute Consultation with Mai ($300 value)

© Mai Vu Coach Inc.